2022-23 School Year Calendar The LISD Board of Trustees has adopted the 2022-23 school year calendar. Click to view or download.
COVID-19 Vaccination Clinic Lorena ISD will host a COVID-19 Vaccination Clinic in partnership with the health department on February 23 from 4:30 pm - 8:30 pm in the Lorena High School Cafeteria.
21-22 Return to School Plan The 21-22 district return to school plan, health & safety protocols, and ESSER funding summary.
School Board Recognition Month We are grateful to our dedicated board of trustees who serve the Lorena ISD community.
District Win for LMS One Act Congratulations to the Lorena Middle School One Act Play! They came in 1st Place at this year's district contest on December 11.
Community Pep Rally We will host a community pep rally & the traditional Kindergarten-Senior Walk on Nov 10 @ 6:30 pm!
Veterans Day Programs Lorena ISD Campuses will honor our Veterans with special programs and events on Thursday, November 11.